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35th Pakistan Scrabble Championship
Division OPEN

Tuff Luck

RankSum of
Losing SpreadsWon-LostSpreadPlayer
151828 28 85 99 118 160 2.0- 6.0-364Khurram, Laamia (#20)
260120 34 115 126 153 153 2.0- 6.0-534Askar, Syed (#24)
369711 66 100 127 160 233 2.0- 6.0-577Sohail, Affan (#11)
487021 96 113 119 124 397 2.0- 6.0-770Shujaat, Kulsoom (#45)
510521 163 188 200 231 269 2.0- 6.0-876Fazil, Dawer (#19)

This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.