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Pakistan Scrabble Association

17th Interschool Scrabble Championship


Round 4 Alphabetic Team Pairings

Table No.PlayerOpponent
7Mariha Muneeb (#9/) 1stAsna Waseem (#5/Jinnah University For Women) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
3Sabir Khawaja (#20/Aga Khan School. Hyderabad) 2ndMurtaza Darbar (#16/Habib Public School) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
1Ali Khan (#2/Balochistan University) 2ndNazir Hussain (#17/Buitems Takatu Campus) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
1Nazir Hussain (#17/Buitems Takatu Campus) 1stAli Khan (#2/Balochistan University) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
5Osama Gul Muhammad (#18/College of Management And Accounting Science) 1stShahzeb Ali Memon (#21/The City School. PAF Chapter) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
9Sabih Saleem Ansari (#19/Delhi Science & Commerce College) 1stMisra Basil Hussain (#11/The Lyceum School) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
3Murtaza Darbar (#16/Habib Public School) 1stSabir Khawaja (#20/Aga Khan School. Hyderabad) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
7Asna Waseem (#5/Jinnah University For Women) 2ndMariha Muneeb (#9/) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
8Masood Raza (#10/KB. Science College. Hazara Town) 1stMuhammad Maaz (#15/Sir Adamjee Institiute) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
4Mahwish Ahmed (#8/Karachi University) 2ndAnumta Siddiqui (#3/Sir Adam Jee Institute) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
6Farwa Naqvi (#6/N.E.D University) 2ndAli Fateh (#1/S.K.B.Z College) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
2Mohsin Ali (#12/NAGI's Institute of Aptitude developement) 1stMuhammad Hussain (#14/Paragon Educational Academy. Quetta) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
2Muhammad Hussain (#14/Paragon Educational Academy. Quetta) 2ndMohsin Ali (#12/NAGI's Institute of Aptitude developement) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
6Ali Fateh (#1/S.K.B.Z College) 1stFarwa Naqvi (#6/N.E.D University) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
4Anumta Siddiqui (#3/Sir Adam Jee Institute) 1stMahwish Ahmed (#8/Karachi University) 2nd
 Arsheela Anees (#4/Sir Adam Jee Institute)bye
10Moiz Ibrahim (#13/Sir Adam Jee Institute) 1stIqra Sohail (#7/Sir Adamjee Institiute) 2nd
Table No.PlayerOpponent
10Iqra Sohail (#7/Sir Adamjee Institiute) 2ndMoiz Ibrahim (#13/Sir Adam Jee Institute) 1st
8Muhammad Maaz (#15/Sir Adamjee Institiute) 2ndMasood Raza (#10/KB. Science College. Hazara Town) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
5Shahzeb Ali Memon (#21/The City School. PAF Chapter) 2ndOsama Gul Muhammad (#18/College of Management And Accounting Science) 1st
Table No.PlayerOpponent
9Misra Basil Hussain (#11/The Lyceum School) 2ndSabih Saleem Ansari (#19/Delhi Science & Commerce College) 1st

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