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PSO 13th Interschool Championship 2012

Round 4 Teams

Winning %
vs. Others
1 4.0- 0.0 +574.0 4.00- 0.00+574.0100.00Falcon-2 1.001
2 3.0- 1.0 +181.0 3.00- 1.00+181.0 75.00Joseph's 19.0019
3 3.0- 1.0 +68.0 3.00- 1.00 +68.0 75.00Froebel 26.0026
4 3.0- 1.0 +62.0 3.00- 1.00 +62.0 75.00Tungsten 27.0027
5 6.0- 2.0 +363.0 3.00- 1.00+181.5 75.00Happy Home 31.505 58
6 16.5- 7.5 +798.0 2.75- 1.25+133.0 69.05Ladybird 32.332 6 29 34 45 78
7 2.5- 1.5 +58.0 2.50- 1.50 +58.0 50.00City P.A.F 33.0033
8 2.0- 2.0 +214.0 2.00- 2.00+214.0 50.00Falcon-1 35.0035
9 21.0- 11.0 +525.0 2.63- 1.38 +65.6 65.63Lyceum 36.507 12 18 30 39 44 51 91
10 8.5- 3.5 +6.0 2.83- 1.17 +2.0 70.83City N.N 37.0011 32 68
11 15.0- 9.0 +919.0 2.50- 1.50+153.2 63.64Kgs C 38.674 13 21 56 57 81
12 25.5- 18.5 +613.0 2.32- 1.68 +55.7 59.72Michael's 41.739 17 22 24 31 36 38 42 70 81 89
13 15.0- 13.0 +352.0 2.14- 1.86 +50.3 53.57Bahria 44.7114 25 28 40 50 75 81
14 15.0- 13.0 +512.0 2.14- 1.86 +73.1 53.85Mama 47.293 15 23 41 65 81 103
15 15.5- 16.5 +168.0 1.94- 2.06 +21.0 48.33Generation 50.8820 43 47 48 49 53 70 77
16 10.0- 10.0 -37.0 2.00- 2.00 -7.4 47.37City B 54.2016 52 60 67 76
17 8.0- 8.0 -4.0 2.00- 2.00 -1.0 50.00D.H.A 55.5010 53 79 80
18 6.0- 6.0 +178.0 2.00- 2.00 +59.3 50.00Paul's 56.008 73 87
19 2.0- 2.0 -68.0 2.00- 2.00 -68.0 50.00Jaffar 62.0062
20 2.0- 2.0 -75.0 2.00- 2.00 -75.0 50.00Brooks 63.0063
21 3.5- 4.5 -192.0 1.75- 2.25 -96.0 43.75Arts & Sc 66.5061 72
22 2.0- 2.0 -214.0 2.00- 2.00-214.0 50.00Premier 69.0069
23 3.0- 5.0 -293.0 1.50- 2.50-146.5 37.50Fahims 75.0055 95
24 10.0- 18.0 -880.0 1.43- 2.57-125.7 35.71Army S 77.5737 64 66 90 93 94 99
25 4.0- 12.0 -654.0 1.00- 3.00-163.5 25.00Avicenna 80.5046 74 97 105
26 3.0- 9.0 -730.0 1.00- 3.00-243.3 25.00Star 86.0059 92 107
27 2.0- 10.0 -637.0 0.67- 3.33-212.3 16.67Int 91.6781 88 106
28 2.0- 10.0 -400.0 0.67- 3.33-133.3 10.00Nixor 94.3381 101 101
29 1.0- 3.0 -278.0 1.00- 3.00-278.0 25.00George's 96.0096
30 2.0- 6.0 -729.0 1.00- 3.00-364.5 14.29D.A. 99.0098 100
31 0.0- 4.0 -200.0 0.00- 4.00-200.0 0.00Hamdard104.00104

This report was generated by tsh version 3.310. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.