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Rank | Won-Lost | Spread | Mean-WL | Mean Spread | Winning % vs. Others | Team | Mean-Rank | Ranks |
1 | 4.0- 0.0 | +471.0 | 4.00- 0.00 | +471.0 | 100.00 | Aga Khan Education Board For Garden, Darkhana | 2.00 | 2 |
2 | 3.0- 1.0 | +152.0 | 3.00- 1.00 | +152.0 | 75.00 | The Meritorius High School | 4.00 | 4 |
3 | 9.0- 7.0 | +690.0 | 2.25- 1.75 | +172.5 | 58.33 | PSA | 4.50 | 1 3 5 9 |
4 | 2.0- 2.0 | -14.0 | 2.00- 2.00 | -14.0 | 50.00 | National University Of Sciences And Technology, Karachi Campus | 6.00 | 6 |
5 | 1.0- 3.0 | -315.0 | 1.00- 3.00 | -315.0 | 25.00 | Generation's School | 7.00 | 7 |
6 | 1.0- 3.0 | -501.0 | 1.00- 3.00 | -501.0 | 25.00 | Private | 8.00 | 8 |
7 | 0.0- 4.0 | -483.0 | 0.00- 4.00 | -483.0 | 0.00 | Manarat Jeddah Girls School | 10.00 | 10 |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.